Creekview Hybrid - Participation Agreement

This Participation Agreement explains the policies and expectations of Creekview Hybrid school and must be signed by each family who attends a class.

We offer a selection of classes. Classes will be held in the Cherry Log Barn on the property belonging to The Farm at Creekview Fields. We teach as a secular homeschooling community. We will continue to ensure that our classes respect all worldviews, religions, creeds, and nationalities; in other words, all classes will be secular.

Safeguarding Children

The Farm at Creekview Fields hosts Creekview Hybrid, and follows the principles of Safeguarding Children, which include various rules for children’s safety while on the property, including in the sight of 2 adults unless with their own parent/guardian. We are happy to work with everyone to help our students be safe at all times.

Additionally, students must be signed in out on the provided app by an authorized parent/ guardian upon each arrival and departure. If, and only if, a student drives themselves, may they sign themselves in and out.

Registration Fee

There is a per-semester Registration Fee of $50 for the family. This fee is due July 31st and January 1st. Please send a check to: Creekview Hybrid, 555 Burnett Ferry Rd SW, Rome GA 30165 or send through PayPal to

Summer: Registration fee is $20 per family

Required Forms/Fees

Students are unable to attend classes until: 1) The forms below are received
2) Registration Fee is received

Hall Monitor Requirements

Hall Monitors (HM) stay in the Hang-out room. Additionally, they walk the “halls”, be aware of and greet visitors. HM do not discipline students not attending a class. HM may help a teacher in order for them to run to the restroom. Report any safety concerns or damage to Kiesha Shoemaker or email Each parent must sign up to help with a few of these monitoring shifts. Parents will be sent a signup invitation on the app.


Registration is accepted through our website only. However, teachers will communicate individually with families regarding payment. Teachers communicate methods of payment accepted. All payments and all conversations about payments are made directly to each individual teacher.

Tuition is completely NONREFUNDABLE and must be paid in full by the due date before each

15-week session. This "no refund" policy and payment in full for 15 weeks is what allows us to keep our fees low.
A class may be canceled by a teacher if the required minimum of enrolled students is not met by the deadline. A refund will be given if a class is canceled by the teacher.

● A non-refundable deposit of $25 per class hour will guarantee your student a seat in class. This means if a class is taught on both Tuesday and Thursday (eg Algebra II), a $50 deposit is needed.
● Fall semester’s non-refundable payment in full: July 15th, 2025

● Spring semester non-refundable payment in full: December 15, 2025 These payments are paid directly to the teacher.


If you have any questions or comments about anything to do with the facility, contact This email is monitored seven days a week.
We are a group of independent teachers. Each teacher is solely responsible for his or her own enrollment, class content, payments, grading, communication, etc. Therefore, if you have questions or comments about a teacher's class, please talk directly to that teacher.


Please sign the photo release located at the bottom of the document granting permission or not to Creekview Hybrid, any of its teachers, and The Farm at Creekview Fields to take and use photographs for independent and/or marketing purposes.

Facility Information

We are a drop off community. Per policy, adults serve as Hall Monitors. Parents staying on property may be with their own children or sit in the Hang-out room but are not permitted to be alone with any student that is not their own child.


While we are not specifically an allergen-free environment, we do promise to make every effort to be diligent about known allergens at Creekview Hybrid. We recognize that our space will not be perfect, but we can provide the safest possible environment for our students with allergies.


No vaccinations are required for students who take classes at Creekview Hybrid.


We ask that students who have been exposed to infections such as coronavirus, flu, measles, chicken pox alert the administration by emailing or calling/texting. If a student or family member is ill, that person is asked to remain home until fever-free and/or they have refrained from vomiting for 24 hours. It is the responsibility of parents to decide whether or not their children are too ill to attend classes.

Teachers are also asked to stay home in the case of a fever or vomiting. In the case that a teacher has a virus or infection, but not a fever, they will alert their class members so that each family may make its own choice regarding attendance.

If a teacher or the HM determine that a health issue is urgent or emergent, and if the parent of the child cannot be reached, the HM will seek medical attention.


No medications will be dispensed by any teacher or Hall Monitor at Creekview Hybrid.

Drug/Alcohol Policy

There will be no illegal drugs, tobacco, vaping, firearms, or alcohol permitted within the building or on the premises.

Inclement Weather Policy

Classes will be canceled if Floyd County and/or Rome City Schools are closed.

Discipline policy

The primary purpose of the classes is to instruct students, and any behavior that distracts any student from learning, whether during or between classes, may be questioned by the Hall Monitor or a teacher.

Students and family members are asked to solve interpersonal problems with communication. If a parent or student escalates into physical anger, there will be a council meeting with a co- director, parent(s), and student involved. In that meeting, a behavioral plan will be developed. If the family does not adhere to the behavioral plan or another incident occurs, that student will be asked to leave Creekview Hybrid classes and all hang-out areas. No refunds will be given. Creekview Hybrid, the teachers thereof, the Hall Monitor and/or The Farm at Creekview Fields do not accept any liability for your children nor responsibility for lost or stolen items.


_________ (initial here) I release Creekview Hybrid, LLC, and all teachers at Creekview Hybrid as well as the designated Volunteer Parent, all volunteers, as well as The Farm at Creekview Fields from all liability while my child(ren) participate in classes or activities at Creekview Hybrid.

_________ (initial here) If I leave my child(ren) at Creekview Hybrid, or if I cannot be immediately located in an urgent situation, I give all teachers or the Creekview Hybrid full responsibility and permission for any necessary medical treatment while my child(ren) participate in classes or activities.

_________ (initial here) I have read and understand the entire participation agreement. I agree to abide by them at all times during all classes and activities sponsored by Creekview Hybrid.

_________ (initial here) I have also explained the policies to my children, who fully understand and agree to abide by these policies when they participate in the program.

_________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name

_________________________________ Student Name

_________________________________ Student Name

_________________________________ Student Name

_________________________________ Student Name

_________________________________ Student Name

________________________________ ___________ Parent Signature Date

________________________________ ___________ Student Signature Date

________________________________ ___________ Student Signature Date

________________________________ ___________ Student Signature Date

________________________________ ___________ Student Signature Date

________________________________ ___________ Student Signature Date

Creekview Hybrid - Emergency Contact Page

Parent/Guardian 1: ________________________ Primary contact:________________ Back-up Method of contact: _________________________

Parent/Guardian 2: ________________________ Primary contact:________________ Back-up Method of contact: _________________________

Emergency Contact: Name:__________________________ Phone number:___________________ Back-up Method of contact: __________________________

Student(s) enrolled in classes OR waiting inside the building:

Name: _______________________ Age: ____ Name: _______________________ Age: ____ Name: _______________________ Age: ____ Name: _______________________ Age: ____

Photo Release

Name: _______________________ Age: ____ Name: _______________________ Age: ____ Name: _______________________ Age: ____ Name: _______________________ Age: ____

As a parent or guardian of this student, I hereby consent to the use of photographs/videotape taken during the course of the school year for publicity, promotional and/or educational purposes (including publications, presentation or broadcast via newspaper, internet or other media sources). I do this with full knowledge and consent and waive all claims for compensation for use, or for damages.

_________ Yes, I give consent for Creekview Hybrid to photograph my child(ren) for school purposes and/ or at school events.

_________ No, I do not authorize Creekview Hybrid to photograph my child(ren).

Student Name: _____________________________ Student Name: _____________________________ Student Name: _____________________________ Student Name: _____________________________ Student Name: _____________________________ Student Name: _____________________________

_________________________________ ________________________________ ___________ Parent/Guardian Name Parent Signature Date