Frequently Asked Questions
Are you accredited?
No, we do not feel accreditation is needed when homeschooling. We and dozens of our homeschooling friends have graduated our children into college and technical schools without accreditation. .
What is tuition?
We are created to fit all budgets. You can pick one class or many. Our website shows the class price per semester (15 week 1/2 semesters). Payment is due to each teacher directly. Teachers will invoice your family directly. Payment is required before school classes begin. Typically in July/August for the first semester and second semester Dec/Jan payment.
Are there any other fees?
Some clubs have a fee or turn-taking responsibilities.
There is a $50 per family fee per semester. This fee is used directly for bathroom supplies, paper goods, HVAC needs, and other brick-and-mortar expenses, plus insurance to protect the school.
How do I register?
You select the register button and fill out the online registration button. Under classes, you list the names of the classes you want to commit to. You will then hear from the teachers who are teaching the classes. You will get an invoice directly from each teacher, which means if you sign up for multiple classes, you may receive an invoice from multiple teachers.
What if I need to miss a day due to vacation or sickness?
Homeschooling families are used to working around their family’s vacations and sick days. We understand this at Creekview Hybrid and work with the parents to catch the student up or excuse the absence completely.
Do you keep grades for my child?
Our dashboard system does keep track of grades as we grade papers as teachers. YOU are the homeschooling parent. YOU can adjust, add to, subtract from, use or not use our grades as you need. We are your homeschooling PARTNER.
Are you a religious school?
We are a group of people just like you would find in a typical job or neighborhood experience with different religious views and church backgrounds, even some with no church at all. We believe religious beliefs are taught at home and are how we conduct ourselves in our community. Students are welcome to share their beliefs in discussions and encouraged to accept space held for different views than their own in a kind and respectful way. Bashing of other’s views, beliefs, or opinions will not be tolerated.
Are you a drop-off school?
Yes, you are welcome to drop off your student. There is a digital sign-in/sign-out. In case of emergencies, we appreciate this being used strictly.
What does my student do between classes?
If your student has an hour or two break between classes, they are welcome to hang outside. When it is too cold or raining they may go to the classroom prepared for such. Games, books, homework, chatting, and other social activities are encouraged during this time.
Parent Involvement Required?
Very little! You are very much welcome to sit in class and do things with us anytime! But you are only required to volunteer as a second set of safety eyes for a few hours each semester. Mom or dad can fulfill this requirement and are asked to walk between classes and be aware of safety (first aid kit, safe areas, etc.)
Who do I talk to if my student is struggling?
The classroom teacher.
Refunds Available for classes
All deposits, fees, and class payments are nonrefundable as teachers make decisions and buy supplies based on the number of students registered.
Do you keep track of grades?
The dashboard system, called Canvas that we use, does keep track of grades. As a homeschooling parent, you are responsible for your child’s grades. Creekview Hybrid will assist you by providing grades for work done with us. The use of these grades is up to each family. We are your partner in education, not the deciding entity in your student’s performance, grades, or curriculum, meaning we will provide all the education and enrichment we can in the 30 weeks, while parents are welcome to add to and adjust for their child at any time. Parents are also responsible for recording, adjusting or declining that grade on Canvas at the end of the class, as it will not stay there forever. Parents need to transfer the grade to their own portfolio or transcripts for their students.
Dress Code and Discipline
At Creekview Hybrid, we require pants, shirts, and shoes. Unless these items become a distraction, no further details about clothing is required at this time. Creekview does not anticipate discipline issues, but when we experience them we first talk to the student, then the parent, and lastly ask the parent to participate in class with their student with a contract in place about what is expected behavior to continue in classes.
What if my student is Neurodivergent?
Teachers at Creekview Hybrid have lots of experience with neurodivergent children. They either have several of their own or have had dozens go through their classes. In the homeschooling world, it is very common to see autistic, dyslexic, and ADHD students and we are delighted to welcome these students into our interactive classes. But if we do feel stumped, we are happy to learn, adjust, and involve a parent for support.
How do I know if my student is ready for a Hybrid experience?
If you have any structure in your school day, then adding a hybrid class can help a student grow even more with assignment deadlines, computer-structured activities, and people to present to and have discussions with. If you haven’t had a structured homeschooling environment, but crave some in your life, we are happy to start teaching the communication and social skills to do so.